How Come The Holding Tank Gauges On My RV Never Give An Accurate Reading?
by Sheri Minzey
How to Fix an Inaccurate RV Holding Tank Monitor
I am an owner of a Jayco 1997 since I have had it the gauges for the holding, gray and fresh tanks always show the same. I would like to know if there is a reset button or anything I can do about this?
ANSWER: Hi Sheri, there is no reset button for the holding tank gauges on your RV. There are two common problems that could cause the gauges to read inaccurately. Please follow the steps below.
1. Check For A Blown Fuse: It is very common for the fuses that operate the gauges to blow and you must check this first before moving on to step two.
Check all the 12 volt DC automobile type fuses in the electrical compartment of your RV. Replace any fuses that are blown and then recheck the gauges.
If you do not find any blown fuses or the problem still exists after changing a blown fuse move on to step two.
2. Clean Dirty Holding Tank Probes (sensors): Dirty holding tank Probes or Sensors is the most common cause of holding tank gauges giving inaccurate readings.
Crud and debris build-up on the probes or sensors and causes them not to give out readings. The first thing you should do is use some RV Probe Cleaner in all of your holding tanks and see if that resolves the problem.
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As I said at the beginning the two conditions I listed above are the more common causes of what you are experiencing. If the steps above do not fix the problem you may have to take your RV in and have it looked at by a Certified RV Technician.
They should look for a bad sensor or probe, faulty wiring to sensors or probes or a bad
RV Monitor Panel. A Certified RV Technician is better equipped than a do-it-yourselfer is to diagnose and repair these types of problems.
I hope that this information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al