How Can I Stop The Fresh Water Tank On My Motorhome From Leaking?
by Daniel Deveau
(Cyr Plantation, Maine)
How to stop an RV fresh water tank from leaking
I purchased a 1996 Catalina Coachman Class C tandem axle motorhome on
last week. The previous owner stated everything works. I later found out the motorhome has been idle for 6 years. As I am filling the water supply with a garden hose on the water supply inlet it approached 80% fill capacity it started leaking.
Do I have to remove siding or whatever to access the freshwater tank to investigate where these leaks are coming from? I have looked everywhere and cannot find diagrams to assist me.
Thank you
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ANSWER: Hi Danny I believe based on what you are saying that there is not a problem with your freshwater holding tank. I believe that the problem you have is with the water level sensor in your RV's freshwater holding tank. Holding tank gauges and sensors on RVs are notorious for giving inaccurate readings.
Even though the gauge is showing that the tank is only at 80% capacity I believe that indeed the tank is actually at 100%. When a freshwater tank is filled up above 100% it is designed to leak out the excess water. So, in my opinion, you do not have to take out your freshwater tank as there is no problem with it.
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If I were you I would not even go to the trouble or expense of replacing the freshwater level sensor or gauge. Just remember that when the gauge reads 80% that it is actually at 100%. Or you can do what most RVers do (including myself) and fill up your freshwater tank until water starts coming out and then you will know it is full.
I hope that this information is helpful to you and I also hope that you enjoy your new RV.
Happy RVing
RVing Al
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