How Can I Stop My RV's Battery From Being Stolen
by Stella
(Bakersfield, California)
How To Stop RV Battery Theft
How do you keep your battery from being stolen? Is there anything to lock it up?
ANSWER: Hi Stella, I am assuming that your RV's batteries are located outside the unit and that you are concerned about theft of the batteries when the RV is in storage.
If you are currently staying at an RV park with a battery theft problem, I would greatly suggest that you relocate to another park.
Unfortunately, RVs' battery theft is becoming more and more common because it is a quick profit to the thief who can either sell the batteries on the street or turn the batteries into an auto parts store for a battery core charge.
Of course, the thief will normally target RVs either in a storage lot or parked in front of your house. They very seldom target RVs that are occupied.
The only sure way to prevent RV battery theft is to remove the RV batteries while it is in storage and keep the batteries at your house until you are planning to use the RV again.

BatteryshackleAnother alternative is to use a battery locking system like the
Batteryshackle (Pictured Above) to secure the batteries. The Batteryshackle is a locking bracket that forms a cage that locks around the outside of the batteries so that the batteries cannot be removed. The Batteryshackle requires a separate
I have not personally tried this lock, and I believe that this battery lock is only as secure as the
padlocks that you choose to use. I do believe that the Batteryshackle, if nothing else, may make a thief look for an easier target. Take a look at the short video below to see how the Batteryshackle works.
Another preventative measure you might want to use is conspicuously and permanently mark your batteries with your phone number. That way, if you do choose to keep the batteries on the RV during storage, it may again persuade the thief to move to another RV that does not have marked batteries.
Marking your RV batteries with your phone number will also give the police the chance to reach out to you if they pull a suspect over with a trunk full of stolen batteries.
I hope this helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al
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