How Can I Stop My RV's Battery From Being Stolen

by Stella
(Bakersfield, California)

How To Stop RV Battery Theft

How To Stop RV Battery Theft

How do you keep your battery from being stolen? Is there anything to lock it up?

ANSWER: Hi Stella, I am assuming that your RV's batteries are located outside the unit and that you are concerned about theft of the batteries when the RV is in storage.

If you are currently staying at an RV park with a battery theft problem, I would greatly suggest that you relocate to another park.

Unfortunately, RVs' battery theft is becoming more and more common because it is a quick profit to the thief who can either sell the batteries on the street or turn the batteries into an auto parts store for a battery core charge.

Of course, the thief will normally target RVs either in a storage lot or parked in front of your house. They very seldom target RVs that are occupied.

The only sure way to prevent RV battery theft is to remove the RV batteries while it is in storage and keep the batteries at your house until you are planning to use the RV again.


Another alternative is to use a battery locking system like the Batteryshackle (Pictured Above) to secure the batteries. The Batteryshackle is a locking bracket that forms a cage that locks around the outside of the batteries so that the batteries cannot be removed. The Batteryshackle requires a separate padlock.

I have not personally tried this lock, and I believe that this battery lock is only as secure as the padlocks that you choose to use. I do believe that the Batteryshackle, if nothing else, may make a thief look for an easier target. Take a look at the short video below to see how the Batteryshackle works.

Another preventative measure you might want to use is conspicuously and permanently mark your batteries with your phone number. That way, if you do choose to keep the batteries on the RV during storage, it may again persuade the thief to move to another RV that does not have marked batteries.

Marking your RV batteries with your phone number will also give the police the chance to reach out to you if they pull a suspect over with a trunk full of stolen batteries.

I hope this helps.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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It works
by: Michael

battery shackle

I bought the battery shackle when we purchased our RV 3 years ago. Never had a theft occur. It works and it’s clearly not worth a thief’s time to try and get it off. When I need access, I use my padlock key and service the batteries.

Use the California Immobilizer....
by: Anonymous

I have two California Immobilizers (one for each battery) - check them out at:

They are great!

by: DaveAnonymous

I relocated the batteries on my RV to one of the lockable compartments towards the front of the RV. Just extended the battery wires and drilled two small holes in the floor. No more problems.

$38 is not much for B&D Bracket
by: Anonymous

python lock

I had my battery stolen right in front of my house, I now have a python lock around my plastic battery case, works pretty good :)

Prevent battery's frombeing stolen
by: Anne

I bought a bicycle cable lock for $12, it could be cut but I think it is a deterrent.

Battery Thief
by: Steven Langridge

Wow, battery thieves. Sorry to hear. I'm upgrading my locks ASAP. But, lazy thief, not. My coach has three 165 lb 8d lead-acid batteries. If they are crazy enough to man handle these, they can have them. I'll just have my insurance buy new ones.

My suggestion, is to replace your little car battery with a 8d.

Keeping RV Batteries Protected
by: Anonymous

Lowes sells a box just the right size for two batteries....this used a heavy box made of nylon .....reason is a metal box can be bent and a nylon box will spring back into shape making it difficult to get inside....I installed a 3/4 inch treated plywood bottom to sit the box on across the camper towing tongue...I bolted it all down with non rust long stove bolts...blat head part is on the outside and running into the box going through light weight one inch angle iron and bolted...I also ran the long stove bolts through 1/2 inch nylon water pipe to protect wires and propane also gives added protection to keep the bolts from being cut....inside I used washers and screws to install the normal battery box to keep the batteries from sliding around....This box requires two locks so I used trailer hitch pad locks to make it so they can not be this box a 100% may not be....but it will take someone at least an hours to get into the box...

We had an attempted theft while sleeping in our RV
by: Anonymous

We had someone try to steal out battery while we were sleeping in our RV which was parked in our son's fenced back yard. As my husband scrambled to get dressed enough to go outside, he let our large dogs out. We heard bark bark bark bark, snarl snarl snarl snarl rip tear snarl, snarl clambering over fence, human "ow" "ow" "ow" various examples of invective being used, then thud clunk and more bark bark bark bark.

My husband got outside just in time to see someone very rapidly limping away while the dogs ran up and down the fence barking in a most agitated fashion. We then bought a long chain which we use to chain the battery to the frame in two loops, once around the length and once around the width lock them at four links on top with a sturdy padlock. We use tempered steal chains and locks bolt cutters don't work on. You can't stop professional thieves but you can discourage amateurs. Since most thieves are lazy amateurs, you can deter most of them. Thieves don't like to work. So far we still have the same battery.

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