Having Problems Towing a Jeep Wrangler with My Motorhome
by Jeremiah Pant
(El Paso TX)
I have been towing vehicles behind my Motorhome for years, but recently I bought a 2000 Jeep Wrangler. When towing it behind the motor home and turning right, the tires on the Jeep turned in the opposite direction causing the tires to skip. This also tore apart my right front tire.
Any solution?
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ANSWER: Hi Jeremiah the problem you experienced is not uncommon on a towed vehicle with a shorter wheelbase. If you were on a gravel surface or a rutted dirt road when you made your turn there is a good possibility that the front wheels were caught in the gravel or a rut and turned in the opposite direction that the Motorhome was traveling.
Even on a smooth surface this can happen when a sharp turn is executed. This problem can become even worse if the front end on your towed vehicle is not properly aligned. Not enough camber in the front end of your towed vehicle could be a contributing factor to what you experienced.
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A properly aligned vehicle front end will always try to keep the front wheels tracking straight when the vehicle is traveling in a forward direction, so normally your towed vehicle will track properly with your Motorhome. Gravel roads, soft dirt roads, rutted roads, not properly aligned tow vehicle and even sharp turns can cause the wheels to go off track.
Based on what you have described my suggestion is that you take the Wrangler in and have it properly aligned and also inspected for any damage that may have occurred as a result of the wheels going in the opposite direction.
I hope this helped.
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