Getting All Shook Up On The Interstate 10 Washboard
by Marilyn and Tim
(Kissimmee, Fl)
Our Motorhome
This story was submitted on our Why Do You Love RVing PageWell, before I forget (I'm old you all know), let me make sure that no one I know with an RV ever takes I-10 from Lafayette to Houston area. We found out after we got here, from some other RV'er, that they call that stretch of the road the "I-10 Washboard", boy are they right. We have NEVER been on a road like that before and I hope we never will again. We were on that horrible road for about 4 hours and it was just one huge pothole after another and of course, we're towing our Equinox. We are also towing 3 bicycles on a bike rack on the back window of the car. Not my idea.
OK, now here comes the next one of our many HAPPENINGS so far. We stopped at the Welcome Center at the Texas state line and while walking back to the car I notice something wrong with the backend of the car. We get up closer and guess what, yes, you're right, with all the stupid bouncing on the road the bike pedals had kept hitting the back window and yep, the whole window was busted out. Oh, the joys of making new experiences!! We can't do anything about it now, so we continue on our merry way.
We get to our next yucky campground and take the bikes off and Tim uses an entire roll of the ever wonderful, Duck Tape, and tapes up the whole back window. Of course by the time we got here in the famous town of Willis, TX it's after 6 PM and everything is closed, I get on the net and begin trying to find any auto glass company in the area, I called probably 15 different places, leaving messages.
Finally, one guy called me back, he would try and find our window in the warehouses on Sun., nope apparently they decided not to open on Sun. after all. He's going to try again tomorrow and if he finds one in stock he'll come to the campground and replace it. If he can't find one, he has a friend of a friend of a friend in Austin and will try and set it up for us to get it replaced when we get there.
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I just love these "happenings", if nothing else they do breed patience.
See you all at the next HAPPENING.
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