Does Anyone Know Anything About Pan Pacific Travel Trailers Built In The 60s?
by Tracy
I have a 1969 Pan Pacific Trailer that was purchased by my grandfather new in 1969. However, I have no manuals and cannot find any information on the web regarding Pan Pacific Trailers built in the 1960's. Does anyone have any information? Also, how can I find the value of the trailer?
ANSWER: Greetings Tracy thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I am afraid that I came to a dead end on this as well. A picture of this trailer may have helped get some information on it.
The only Travel Trailers that came close were 10 forty foot travel trailers that were specially made by Airstream in the 60s for the Western Pacific Railroad and they were called Western Pacific Trailers. These specially made travel trailers were chained to railroad flatcars and used by railroad workers for housing while working on remote locations of the Western Pacific Railroad lines.
I am hoping that one of our visitors might know something about Pan Pacific Trailers. If they have some information they should leave a comment on this page.
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I cannot even attempt to tell you the value on this trailer. The value will depend on several factors such as the trailers condition and whether it would be considered a rare or vintage trailer.
Sorry that I could not be of more help.
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