Do You Have Some Tips On Storing An RV In Arizona For The Summer?
by Barb Johnson
(Mesa, Arizona)
Tips On Storing An RV In Arizona For The Summer
We plan on leaving our 5th wheel in Arizona for six months this summer. I have seen the hints and tips for storage in Florida, however, I believe weather conditions are quite different here in Arizona.
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ANSWER: Hi Bard we actually have more than just one set of tips for RV Summer Storage on EARV. After reading my answer to your question I urge you to review the answers I gave to these questions:
We Are Storing Our RV In Florida For Summer, What Should We Do To Get It Ready For Storage?,
How Should I Store A 5th Wheel Trailer In Florida Without Power and
Tips for Florida RV Summer Storage. Everything I talk about in the answers to these questions also holds true for RV storage in Arizona.
The difference between the Arizona and Florida summer weather is that Florida is prone to high heat accompanied by high humidly and frequent showers. Arizona on the other hand is known for "Dry Heat" with temperatures that can exceed 110 degrees for several days in a row. This high dry heat can wreak havoc on such things as the RV Tires, slide-out seals and any rubber items that are constantly exposed to the heat and Ultra Violet Rays associated with the Arizona Summers.
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So the only thing I would put a greater emphasis on for Arizona Summer RV storage is that if it is going to be stored outside is that you definitely use an
RV Cover
and if needed
RV Tire Protectors
to prevent fading of the RV exterior and dry rotting of the rubber items.
I hope that this additional information helps.
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