Dealer Steers RV Buyer Clear of Leveling Jacks, Why?
by Dom
(Scotia, NY)
A local dealer steered us away from ordering leveling jacks for a new Forest River Class C RV (Sunseeker) saying that they could be problematic. Is there a known problem with leveling jacks on Forest River products or was this a personal bias (she was the store manager)?
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ANSWER: Hi Dom leveling jacks on RVs are no more problematic than any other accessory that comes with an RV. Just like any other accessory as long as they are properly maintained they should not cause you any problems and I am not aware of any leveling jack problems inherent in Forest River Motorhomes.
I have owned several motorhomes over the years that were equipped with leveling jacks and never personally had a problem with them.
In my opinion the larger the motorhome the more important it is to have leveling jacks. Aside from leveling the RV the leveling jacks also provide stable support for the RV especially when the slides are out.
I am sure there are motorhome owners out there that do not have leveling jacks on their rigs that wish they did and I am sure that those motorhome owners far outweigh the owners that have leveling jacks on their motorhomes and wish they did not have them.
The only reason I can think of that you are being told not to get leveling jacks by the Sales Manager is that they have a motorhome on their lot that is not equipped with the Leveling Jacks and they want to make a quick sale.
Hope this helps.
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