Can You Really Take A Good Shower In An RV?
How to Take a Really Good Hot Shower in You RV
ANSWER: Hi Frank, yes, it is possible to get a good shower in a class C, or any other type of RV. But certain circumstances may hinder you from getting a good shower, and there are certain steps you can take that can ensure that you get a good shower.
First, let's discuss some situations that will limit your shower time and quality. If you are Boondocking (camping in an area where water, electric, etc., are not available), you will be limited in the length of the shower and possibly the water pressure that will come out of the showerhead.
When you are boondocking, you have to use the water stored in your RV's fresh water tank. The rule of thumb is that the bigger the RV, the bigger the freshwater tank. So a class A RV will normally have a larger freshwater tank than a Class C. Once this water is gone, you are out of luck until you refill the tank or arrive at a campground that has a freshwater supply that you can hook up to the RV.
So, when Boondocking, the keyword is water conservation. The showerhead in your RV should have a lever or button on it so you can shut off the water supply while you lather up etc. So taking a long good shower may not be a viable option while boondocking. If the water runs out and you have soap in your eyes, you will be "out of luck."
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Another limiting factor while boondocking is that your water pressure may be lower than if you
were hooked up to a water supply at a campground or RV park. The water pressure will only be as good as your RV's water pump can supply. The better the pump, the better and more consistent the pressure will be.
Whether your boondocking or camping where the RV is hooked up to water, the next limiting factor is the RV's water heater. Unlike your home's water heater, RV water heaters are usually small and provide a limited supply of hot water. This may limit the length of your shower unless you like showering with lukewarm or cold water.
The good news is there are now
tankless water heaters
that can be installed in RVs that will provide an unlimited supply of hot water. We actually have an article in our RV Lifestyle Articles section about these RV tankless water heaters titled
How To Take A 1 Hour Shower In Your RV. I would suggest you read this article to get more insight on RV Tankless Water Heaters.
Having a good shower head in your RV will also make a world of difference in the shower quality. Here is another rule of thumb, the more expensive the RV you are buying is, the better the showerhead usually is. Yes, there are some exceptions to this rule.
There are
aftermarket RV shower heads
available for RVs that will give better shower pressure and also include some features such as massage modes etc.
I hope we have been able to answer your question. As always, our visitors are free to add their opinions and suggestions by clicking the add comment link below.
Happy RVing
RVing Al

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