Can I Use Drano In the Drains In My RV?

by Linda

How to unclog an RV Sink

How to unclog an RV Sink

I want to know if I can use Drano in my sinks to clean the drain pipes and RID-X in my tank.

ANSWER: Hi Linda, first let me answer your initial questions and then give you some suggestions on alternative methods of unplugging the plumbing in your RV and how to prevent it from happening again.

I would not recommend using any caustic drain cleaners such as original Drano in the plumbing of an RV. Not because of the possibility of it damaging your RV's pipes, but because it could also damage the rubber seals on the dump valves or even the holding tanks themselves.

RID-X RV Toilet Treatment Liquid

As far as using RID-X in your RV's holding tank. Up until recently the answer would have been no, however recently RID-X has come out with a new product Called RID-X RV Toilet Treatment Liquid (pictured above)

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Below are some recommended practices on how to unclog and prevent clogs in RV plumbing. A lot of these suggestions come from other RVers and I have not tried all of them personally.

Unclogging an RV Drain

1. You can use an enzyme based drain opener such as Drainbo Drain Cleaner which can safely be used in RV drains.

2. You can also dump boiling water down the drain to help break up the clog. You may have to repeat the boiling water process several times to totally free up the

3. You may also want to try dumping 3 tablespoons of baking soda down the drain and then dump about a 1 1/2 cups of vinegar in the drain and let it sit for a couple of hours and then use boiling water to rinse out the drain.

4. If all else fails you may have to remove the P-Trap (elbow under the sink) and manually clean it out. This is not as complicated as it sounds.

Since I do not know the type of RV you have or how well the plumbing is constructed, I would be hesitant in recommending using a plunger or a Drain King on the drains as these could damage the plumbing.

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Keeping RV Drains Clean

The steps for keeping your RV's drains flowing freely are quite simple.

1. Don't dump grease or oils in your RV's drains.

2. Using Original Liquid Dawn Dish Detergent helps prevent grease and oil from building up in the drains and causing clogs.

3. Treating all the drains monthly with your enzyme-based drain opener will also help keep the drains in tip-top shape.

I hope that this information has been helpful.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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by: Louis Sistek

Go to for a description of the best way to solve this problem. You'll e glad you did.

Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Great Advice Al! the Baking Soda/Vinegar method worked great Thank you very much:)

Note from RVing Al: Your quite welcome.

Blocked drain
by: Anonymous

We have a 2014 Radiance RV . The outdoor kitchen drain became blocked, we unblocked it, then discovered a week later, that sink was full of water and it ended up leaking into the bunk room in the back of the RV. the odor was terrible, we couldn't stay inside... We cleaned everything, but can't figure out where the water came from....

Any advice would be appreciated!


Wet Coffee grounds
by: Ray

After I make a pot of coffee I dump my used grounds down the sink. This method with hot water cleans out the lines. Also an added benefit is if you drive around the course grounds will rub of some of the buildup in your tanks.

An old master plumber told me this technique years ago. I have used it for years in my house to help keep my house plumbing up to shape as well. I put the grounds down the drain and run some hot water then run my dishwasher to flush the lines all the way. Have never had a problem since using this method.

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