Can I Use a Standard Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet to Replace a Bad Faucet in My RV?
by Shelley
(Ontario Canada)
Our 73 GMC Motorhome
We have a 73 GMC Motorhome and want to know if we can buy regular house taps, for the bathroom in our RV. Would pressure from an outside connection be too strong for just a hardware store type of faucet?
Thank you, Jerry and Shelley Coulson, members of GMC Heritage Cruisers Canada
ANSWER: Hi Shelley thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
You sure can use
regular faucets
in your RV to replace a bad one. In fact in most cases that is exactly what an RV manufacturer uses for their RVs when they build them.
The only real difference I can think of between a
standard Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet
and a faucet with RV stamped all over it is that the one with RV stamped on it, will cost twice as much. :-) The faucets all work the same.
Hope this helps.
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RVing Al
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