Can I Use a Standard Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet to Replace a Bad Faucet in My RV?

by Shelley
(Ontario Canada)

Our 73 GMC Motorhome

Our 73 GMC Motorhome

We have a 73 GMC Motorhome and want to know if we can buy regular house taps, for the bathroom in our RV. Would pressure from an outside connection be too strong for just a hardware store type of faucet?

Thank you, Jerry and Shelley Coulson, members of GMC Heritage Cruisers Canada

ANSWER: Hi Shelley thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.

You sure can use regular faucets in your RV to replace a bad one. In fact in most cases that is exactly what an RV manufacturer uses for their RVs when they build them.

The only real difference I can think of between a standard Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet and a faucet with RV stamped all over it is that the one with RV stamped on it, will cost twice as much. :-) The faucets all work the same.

Hope this helps.

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RVing Al

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My Old GMC
by: John Holgate


I just saw your 73 GMC. I once owned this GMC and I did the paintwork on the inside and outside as well as the interior cushions, I sold the vehicle to a person in Bobcaygeon.

I replaced a lot of items. Would like to see it sometime if possible

You can contact me by email.

Thanks and HappyTravels

John Holgate
Innisfil, Ontario

I did
by: Gmcer

I replaced the bathroom faucet in my 73 gmc and I liked it so much I replaced my kitchen faucet with a fancy one then I needed to replace my
Old range hood with a fancy stainless steel one that's how it starts lol

RV faucets, etc.
by: Anonymous

The pumps in RVs are usually set at 40 psi max. House water pressures from a city water supply can be as much as 80 psi, so regular store bought fixtures will surely hold up in an RV even if you are hooked up to a water supply in a park. As other people have mentioned, RV products cost double, and having had a boat the same thing is true for marine items. I would strongly recommend using stainless, model, or brass hardware inside and outside, so those types of things don't rust. The small extra cost for those items over regular metal is well worth it.

by: carol ann

I agree with the above comments. Our kitchen tap in our fifth wheel was giving us problems so we dismantled it + took it to a dealer who told us to go to Home Depot where it was cheaper. Works like a charm.They always seem to jack up the prrice when it's designated for an RV!

A caveat in swapping faucets
by: Anonymous

There are a few dimensions that might be different so be sure you check the spacing centers of the RV faucet you want to replace and then make sure that the replacement has the same spacings for the water connections.

Also, in a kitchen faucet, the faucets with a spray mode that resets each time you shut off the water, depends on a certain pressure at the flow rate you are using. In an RV, the RV pump may not have enough delivery volume and pressure to keep it locked in spray mode. I always look for replacements with a slide-type of diverter to switch it into spraying mode. Those will stay until manually switched back to bubbler mode.

Occasionally, some special RV brand faucets may be made with off size water connections which will probably not be available in the common market so measure them, too. In most such cases, reworking the water supply lines to have connectors that mate properly with the replacement faucet is usually not that difficult.

Kitchen Faucet
by: Anonymous

In a 5th wheel RV, we bought a Price Pfister kitchen faucet with sprayer & it works beautifully. It is beautiful as well. I love it!!

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