Can I Use A Regular Refrigerator In My RV?
by Shane
Using a Regular Refrigerator in your RV
My fridge/freezer is not working. Can you simply replace it with a mini fridge like the ones in stores? I don't need the option to use gas.
ANSWER: Hi Shane, the simple answer to your question is yes you can use a Standard Compact Refrigerator
to replace your RV Refrigerator
. But there are some things that you need to consider when doing this.
1. A standard compact refrigerator needs a 120 volt AC outlet to get power. In most cases there will not be a 120 volt plug in the cabinet where your current fridge is. So you may have to install a plug in the fridge cabinet. You will have to be careful when doing this as you do not want to overload a circuit in your RV.
2. You need to look at the specifications of the Compact Refrigerator to determine what kind of airflow is required over the condenser coils of the fridge. Depending on this requirement there may be problems trying to enclose it in a cabinet.
3. If you do any type of boondocking the only time your fridge will have power is if you run the generator.
Many RVers have done what you are planning to do and are quite satisfied with the resulting cost-savings of not having to buy an expensive RV refrigerator.
Some RVers have solved the air circulation problems by using
Home Theater Cooling Fans
to circulate the air through the coils.
Some RVers have even set up their fridges to run off of a
12 volt DC to 120 volt AC Inverter
. Depending on how your house batteries are setup and the wattage draw of the fridge this could require beefing up your house battery system.
The bottom line is if you are just planning to plug it into a 120 volt outlet all you have to be aware of are items 1 through 3 that I listed above.
Hope this helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al