Can I Safely Go On The Roof Of My Travel Trailer To Clean It?

by Laurel
(near Victoria, BC, Canada)

I am trying to figure out how I would clean the roof as well as keep up maintenance so I don't have any problems in the future. I have seen others stand on their roof using a pressure washer and I was wondering if this was such a good idea?

Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Laurel as long as you are comfortable with going on top of the roof, you should be OK. The roof of most RVs should be strong enough to support you as long as you walk lightly. I would not recommend going up there and jumping up and down or using a Pogo Stick. If you get up on your roof and you do not feel like you are getting enough support, you can always take a sheet of plywood to stand on to help spread out your weight.

Cleaning and inspecting the roof of an RV should be part of every RV owner’s routine maintenance. The cleaning and inspection of the RV roof should be done 2 or 3 times a year. The key point to remember is safety as you are going to be working with soap and water on a potentially slippery surface, so non-slip shoes are a must.

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So as long as you take the proper precautions mentioned above you should be fine.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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Walking on an Ultra-light RV Roof
by: Tom

I have a 2012 Bullet Ultra-Lite. I bought a 4x8 piece of 2 inch hard foam insulation and cut it into 4X2 strips. That works for me. It is lite to handle and I was concerned that with anything wood, being clumsy, I would probably damage something.

Add to these good points
by: Anonymous

Love the answer, but I think more could have been added. I wouldn’t reccomend walking between middle vents, noting the high ribs and stay close. I always walk on the outside perimeter because it’s the strongest point . I’m 250 pounds. I definitely to not recommend that! If a place you step makes a creeping noise, don’t attempt it..... that’s about all my learning from last night. Lol

spree connect
by: roger

Spree connect travel trailer is a great trailer. Very heavy duty roof you can walk on. Not all travel trailers have walk on roofs. I needed a travel trailer with a walk on roof to clean and make repairs. Spree connect and Springdale travel trailers have great roofs if you ask.

Also need to get on my roof.
by: Anonymous

I also have a need to go on my mobile trailer roof. I have a leak and need to do a repair. The roof has a slight incline and is 4 inch at the center and 2 inch at the ends. This is supported by 2 inch wall studs. The roof is aluminum, which I know wouldn't support any weight, but could I lay ply or osb on the roof to spread the load? I'm a bit wary of 2 inch wall studs being strong enough.

More walking on roof chat!
by: Sparkie

We just bought a Lance 1885. There is no ladder on it and we noticed a lot of them have one.

When I asked the salesman said they really aren't necessary because you should not go up on the roof anyway!

Is this good info? Why do they have ladders then? We are greenies!!1

Thanks for any help!

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