Can I Relocate the Holding Tanks on My RV?
by Dan
Can I Relocate the Holding Tanks on My RV?
We have a 1988 class C Ford Itasca RV. We want to remove the dinette and place a sofa. The water tanks are underneath the dinette. Is it possible to place the water tanks someplace else?
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ANSWER: Hi Dan thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page
Can you move the tanks? Yes. Will it be easy? Probably not. Can you do it yourself? Maybe. Will it be expensive if you hire someone else do it for you? Yup.
You state that you have a couple of tanks under your dinette, usually in an RV they only put the Fresh Water Holding Tank under a dinette or couch. Grey and Black Water Tanks are gravity fed from the sink drains and toilet in your RV and are normally located below the floor level of the RV. As long as you have good access to the fresh water tank getting it out will not be a problem. take a look at the first portion of the video below on how to remove a fresh water tank.
Once you have removed the fresh water tank you will have to locate a new place for it; keeping in mind that you will also have to reroute the fill hose, vent hose, wiring for the water level gauges and the rest of the plumbing going to the water pump. The new area for the tank will also have to be capable of holding the weight of a full fresh water tank.
Speaking of weight remember when you move the tank to a different area of the RV you
will also affect the weight distribution of the RV. Depending on where you put the tank; a full tank could adversely affect the handling of the motorhome.
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Now that you have moved the fresh water tank you will also have to move your RV's water pump and place it near the tank so that it will operate properly and that also involves relocating plumbing electric wiring, etc.
Depending on where you move the tank you may end up having to buy a whole new tank so that it will fit properly in its new location. The further you have to move the tank, the more complicated this procedure becomes.
My suggestion to you is to see if you can find a couch that will allow a fresh water tank to fit under it or a new fresh water tank that will fit under the couch you have chosen, so that you can minimize the problems caused by having to relocate the tank to a brand new area. It probably wouldn't hurt to take your RV in and have a Certified RV Technician take a look at your current setup and see if they can give you some guidance on what can be done to minimize the cost and hassle of this modification.
I hope this helps.
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