Can I Install A 50 Amp Plug At My House So I Can Plug In My RV?
by Mike
Am I right to assume that the "50" amp system in my RV is just 2 legs W/each carrying 110-120 volts at 25+- amps each.
My question is if I wanted put a 50 amp RV plug in my garage could I take a pedestal female receptacle, run one wire (black) to one 20-30 breaker, one wire (red) to another breaker of same amp, one wire (green) to the grounding side in box and one wire (white) to common side in box?
ANSWER: Greetings thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I am afraid you are not going to like the answer I am going to give you to your question. When it comes to modifying the electrical system in your home, you need to hire a qualified and licensed Electrician to do the job. Unless you are an experienced electrician you should not even attempt to this job.
Installing a 50 Amp receptacle in your home's electrical system is not like replacing a bad light switch or electric receptacle. Your home's wiring system has to be modified and all electrical codes for you area have to be met.
If wired incorrectly or if the proper protection systems are not installed, you stand a good chance of burning down your house or frying the electrical system of your RV.
In my younger years I was a Volunteer Fireman and we had a call for an electrical fire in a garage at a private residence about 10 miles from our station. Upon our arrival at the scene the whole house was fully engulfed in flames.
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The home owner was sitting on the front lawn with his head in his
hands and his wife was hovering over him screaming at the top of her lungs "I told you to get an electrician".
The home ended up being a total loss. The homeowner explained to us that he had recently bought a 220 volt welder from a friend and that he had decided not to hire an electrician to install a 220 volt receptacle because it would cost too much. So against his wife's advice he did it himself.
After he installed the 220 receptacle he flipped the main breaker on and immediately sparks started to shoot everywhere in the garage which ignited a trash can full of rags sitting against the back wall of his garage, by the time he got the garage door open and got his garden hose the whole inside of his garage was on fire.
He told us over and over "I thought I knew what I was doing".
Bottom line based on the fact that you are asking about wiring a 50 Amp Receptacle to existing breakers in your home's electrical system, leads me to the recommendation that you hire an Electrician to do this job.
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