Can I Buy a New Wing for My RV's Winegard Antenna?
by Anonymous
Can I Buy a New Wing for My RV's Winegard Antenna?
The wing on my Winegard Antenna
facing the front of the RV when in the down position, was bent backwards several times when driving. Can no longer receive any Channel.
A)Is possible to replace that particular part.
B) and if I install the wingman will it rectify the problem
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ANSWER: Hi this is the first time I have ever heard of this problem. I have seen RVers who have left their antennas in the up position and had them torn off going under a low bridge.
The answer to your first question is no, you cannot buy a replacement wing for your antenna, you have to buy a whole new
Control Head
for your antenna. I am not even aware of any after-market replacement wings for Winegard RV Antennas
The answer to your 2nd question is also no, the
Winegard Wingman
attachment will not solve this problem. The Wingman is designed to work in conjunction with your existing Winegard Antenna to improve the reception of Digital TV Channels. For more information on the Wingman attachement you can read the answer I gave to
How to Improve The Digital TV Reception Of Your RV's Winegard Antenna?.
I hope that this information helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al