Can a Ford Escape be Flat Towed By a Motorhome?
by John Franco
(Waynesville, NC)
I have a 2004 Ford Escape with a 5-speed manual transmission. Can it be flat towed or will I need to use a dolly?
ANSWER: Hi John thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
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Yes, a 2004 Ford Escape with a manual transmission whether it be 4 Wheel Drive or 2 Wheel Drive can be flat towed with a Tow Bar
. When towing you should limit your maximum speed to 55 miles per hour. There are also no limits on the distances that can be driven in one day.
a 2004 Ford Escape with an automatic transmission cannot be flat towed.
Luckily you have chosen a vehicle that can be safely flat towed. Just to clarify for our visitors who are thinking about towing a vehicle behind their RV; using a Tow Bar
is just one of the ways to tow a vehicle behind your RV. There are other methods for towing a vehicle behind your RV, so you can pretty much choose any vehicle to take on your next RVing adventure.
Alternatives to flat towing a vehicle are:Using a Car Tow Dolly: A
Car Tow Dolly
allows you to put the front wheels of the vehicle on the dolly leaving only the rear wheels of the vehicle on the pavement. Unfortunately not all vehicles such as All Wheel Drives, etc. can be towed towed using a dolly. Your best bet is to check the Owner's manual for your vehicle to find out the towing restrictions.
Using a Car Trailer: Basically you drive your vehicle onto the Car Trailer and secure it and then head on down the road. Car Trailers can be open or enclosed. An enclosed Car Trailer will provide the best protection for the vehicle that you are towing. So if you have a car that cannot be flat towed or dolly towed or just have a special vehicle that you want to protect from exposure to weather or road hazards this is the method you should choose.
I hope this helps.
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RVing Al
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