A Campground I Don't Want to Share
by Caroline
(Upstate New York USA)
A Campground I Don't Want to Share
(Editor's Note This story was submitted on our What Is Your Favorite RVing Or Camping Destination Page
Hello, I am from Upstate New York. My husband and I have camped for years. We moved to New York in 1991 from California. Our kids were young then and we love camping and that is where we spent a lot of our weekends.
We started out tent camping in the State Parks. We soon upgraded to a cab-over truck camper, we spent a lot of time in that camper until we had to sell it and move to New York. Here in New York we traveled around a lot for a quite a few years until the Gas crunch hit. Now we seasonally camp in a privately owned campground near the Adirondack Mountain Park. It is really beautiful there, I am feeling selfish though and don't really want to tell you the name of the park because we seem to get more and more people there every year and the holidays are so packed.
This park doesn't have any real fancy amenities. It is known around town as the Brown Barn because that is what you see when you drive in... An old Brown Barn. The owner of the park is really a great guy. But, just driving through the park you may not be super impressed with it if you are used to the upscale fancy RV parks. It doesn't even have a washer and dryer. We did get an ice machine two years ago though.
The beauty of this park is, it is right on the Black River. The fishing is great and it is better than having a pool to go down to the river and enjoy a hot day in the summer. We are far enough north that just before the park closes at the end of the season we listen to the local radio for the nearest black bear and moose sightings. We have deer and turkeys that walk through your camp site. It is just very beautiful here.
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We are close to Old Forge. There is a State owned and operated Reservoir about 50 miles from the park. The park is even well known for the winter snowmobiling and camping.
The campground is
Stysh's Brown Barn in Boonville New York. It is getting a pretty good name for itself so if you want to come here I suggest you make your reservations early. You won't be disappointed.
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