2011 Tiffin Allegro AC Not Cooling Motorhome
by Anonymous
We just purchased a brand new 2011 Tiffin Allegro 35QBA and it is equipped with a 13.5 Btu AC unit in back and a 15.0 Btu AC unit in front.
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The bus does not get cool at all until the sun goes down. We have taken a vacation where the outside temperatures were anywhere from 90-100 degrees. However, we could never get our inside temperature to drop below 90 degrees either after about noon when the temperature outside started heating up. Then the unit stays hot the entire day and starts cooling down again after around 8 or 9 pm when the sun starts setting.
Any suggestions? We are very frustrated! We didn't know we were going to have to bake in this unit.
ANSWER: Hi first I need to let you know that what you are experiencing is not normal. Your AC units should be doing a better job of cooling your motorhome down. But what you also need to understand about
RV Air Conditioners is that they are not as efficient as Air Conditioning in most homes. The simple reason is that most RVs are not as well insulated as the average home so in an area with very high temperatures and high humidity the AC units will have problems keeping up.
The general rule of thumb for RV Air Conditioners is that they will keep the RV 20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the outside ambient air temperature. If the RV is in direct sunlight on a hot day the AC unit will have a hard time keeping up. A shaded RV campsite will help improve the cooling efficiency of the Air Conditioner.
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I am assuming that your RV is still under warranty. You need to take your RV in and have the AC units checked out by a Certified RV Technician to see why they are not cooling your RV down sufficiently. Problems like this are exactly why you have a new RV Warranty.
If for some reason the RV dealer cannot fix the problem to your satisfaction or gives you the run around I would urge you to
contact Tiffin Motorhomes and explain the problem you are having to them.
I hope this helps.
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