Will Two 6 Volt Deep Cycle Batteries In RV Provide Power Longer Then One 12 Volt Battery?
by Anonymous
I have a 20' travel trailer and a friend of mine has told me that if I bought 2 6 volt golf cart batteries that I would have a longer battery time when going to campgrounds that have no power. Is this true?
ANSWER: Yes your friend is correct when you will you use two 6 Volt Deep Cycle (aka Golf Cart) Batteries wired in series as opposed to one 12 Volt Battery to power your Travel Trailer the two 6 Volt Deep Cycle Batteries will provide power for a longer period of time without needing to be recharged.
For more information on why you should changeover to two 6 Volt Batteries you should read the answer I gave to Are 2 Six Volt Batteries Better Than 1 Twelve Volt Battery To Provide Power To Inside Of RV?
As a side note if your RV is not equipped with one you should also look at a
Solar Powered Battery Charging System for your travel trailer. These systems will help keep the batteries charged so that you will not have to plug in as often to fully recharge the batteries.
I hope this helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al