When to Replace RV Tires

by Dennis

When to Replace RV Tires

When to Replace RV Tires

How do you know when it’s time to change tires with checks starting to show?

ANSWER: Hi Dennis, based on what you are describing, it may very well be time to replace your RV's tires. All RVers need to know is that the tires on their RVs, whether they own a Tent Trailer, or a Class A Motorhome will probably "Age Out" before they "Wear Out." What do I mean by "Age Out"? Many tire experts say that tires could be ready for replacement when they are over 5 years old, regardless of how good the tread looks.

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Because of constant exposure to Heat, Cold, Road Chemicals, and the Sun's Ultra Violet Rays, tires can start rotting after 5 years. The damage may not always appear on the surface of a tire, but it is what you cannot see that can hurt you. I will not go through a chemistry lesson here to explain why this happens but suffice it to say that this is what tire experts and manufacturers agree on, and that is good enough for me. Once your tires exceed 5 years of age, you should get a professional tire inspection annually.

The next question that comes to mind is, how can I slow down or prevent premature tire Aging? Below I have listed a few suggestions on what you can do to protect your RV’s tires.

Pictured Above: 303 Aerospace Protectant

1. Keep your RV's tires covered when your RV is not in use. By covering the tires, you are helping to slow down the
tire damaging effects of Ultraviolet Light. Tire covers come in all shapes and sizes and there are Tire covers for all types of RVs.

2. Keep your RV tires clean. Dirt and oil can speed up the deterioration of your tires. Clean them frequently.

A lot of RVer's use and swear by a product called 303 Aerospace Protectant on their RV's tires. 303 Aerospace Protectant provides Unsurpassed UV-screening protection. It is environmentally safe: Non-toxic, non-flammable, biodegradable, it sprays on easily, repels dust, soiling, and staining. The treated surfaces stay cleaner, longer and it Lasts 4 to 10 times longer than other products. And if that is not enough you can also use this on your tire protectors to protect them from getting damaged and it can also be used on your RV's decals to prevent them from fading and cracking. It is recommended that you use this on the front and back of your tires after they have been cleaned about once every two months.

3. Keep your tires properly inflated. Having too much or too little air in your RV's tires will cause premature wear on the tires or create a tire blow-out situation.

Look at the video below to learn how you can extend your RV's tires lifespan to up to 10 years.

Good Sam Roadside Assistance

All RVers need to realize how important it is to take great care of their tires. Having a tire blow out on an RV can cause costly damage to the RV and also cause the driver to lose control of the RV and injure or kill themselves or others.

Hope this helps.

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Do not use grease on your tires
by: Roger Marble

Axle grease may be ok for slow-moving farm tires but definitely NOT for tires used on the highway. Haven't you ever read anything about not using anything with petroleum on your tires?

Petroleum attacks the rubber in today's tires.

Pollution on tires
by: Anonymous

A old farmer trick is winterizing of tires is up on blocks and thick axle grease covering all rubber parts. Local farmers have done this for generation's.

6 1/2 Year old tires
by: Bobby Ratliff

My 6 1/2 year old Goodyear 19.5's are still looking good...always. always kept proper amount of air pressure, clean, and rolling. Checking very close for cracks, etc.

Had a blowout last week due to a metal roadhazard. Had to buy a new one. Hate to mix with the other ones but just not ready to take the old ones off.

Buying Time with tires.
by: Anonymous

My RV with 19.5 Michelin Tires have several cracks in the sidewall. As per instructions while serving as a heavy equipment mechanic at LADWP, we were told to use a pocket screwdriver to spread and look to see if the core belts were visible at the bottom of the crack. If so, then replace the tire.

Now regarding hydraulic hose, when the cover skived (peeled back) in order to buy time we would wrap over the ply-core to protect it from exposure. Taking this into consideration I applied the concept of the aforementioned to my RV tires. I looked down in the cracks which were shallow, blew them out with compressed air, cleaned down in with denatured alcohol, blew again to dry, squeezed in tube repair vulcanizing glue smearing around outside and after dried, I covered and pressed in black automotive silicone smearing around the perimeter of the crack.

At first the covering is obvious, then shortly with road dust they look just like the side wall. I have gone over two years like this on several road trips. Not saying this is the answer, but it worked for me.

The best answer is to replace the tires and wait for them to rot again before wearing out-- 5-7 years on the average. Take it easy on speed bumps and pot holes; messes with the interior casing.

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