What Was I Thinking???

by Mike Keennedy

Funny RVing Story: What The Heck Was I Thinking?

Funny RVing Story: What The Heck Was I Thinking?

Editors Note: This story was submitted on our Funny RVing Stories Page.

This has been a while back.

We borrowed my parent's TT (travel trailer) and went camping for a week at a nearby campground, just as we've done several times before. We; is my wife, our 9 yr. Old daughter and 7 yr. Old son.

We arrived well before dawn but later than supper time, my wife decided to cook burger's inside the camper as the rest of us set up the picnic table, outside tent and canopy, gathered some wood etc. all this while educating our son to the in's and out's, do's and don'ts of camping, you know..... how to use an ax, wood gathering and fire starting, connecting sewer, and electric, raising and lowering tongue jack, proper use of fire extinguisher, getting water from outside faucet, where he can't ride his bike, respecting boundary's, etc.

An older couple pulled in beside us, my wife and I said our hello's, and if you need anything you think we can help with, just ask.

As we're walking toward the camper we hear this banging and swishing from inside the camper, I start to walk a little faster and notice the door's open, and as I get closer I know what it is without seeing the mess, yes MY son has experienced the thrill of discharging the fire extinguisher, (inside)

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As I enter the camper, the bottle has stopped flying around, and I can't see a thing, I'm yelling for our son, no answer, now we're both yelling for him inside, and outside no answer, my wife is MAD, no son, dinner is ruined, camper is a mess, daughter is crying, after a minute I said that my foot print's are the only one's visible on the floor of the trailer, so he's still inside.

Well, he did manage to dodge the bottle; he was under the table, covered in powder.

Now he gets a lesson in how to use the outside shower.

Here's the funny part... our newly found neighbor's are pulling out from their site, and moving to another one. We never ran into them all week, (I was kinda glad)

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