What Dog Breeds Are Not Allowed In RV Campgrounds Or Resorts?

by Anonymous

Your Dog May Not be Allowed in Some Campgrounds!!!

Your Dog May Not be Allowed in Some Campgrounds!!!

Certain dog breeds are not allowed at some RV parks. What are they?

ANSWER You are correct that some RV Campgrounds and Resorts have restrictions on what breed of dog they allow on their property. The restrictions vary widely depending on the facility. Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Mastiffs, Chows, and wolf-mixes are the most common breeds not allowed in certain campgrounds. Other facilities may allow these breeds, but they reserve the right to ask you to leave their facilities if the dog you have "acts aggressively."

I know that there are a lot of dogs in the breeds mentioned above that are not aggressive and play well with others, but if the campground or resort has a ban on a certain breed, they usually do not make an exception. These breeds were selected because they are large muscular animals that have the capability of causing severe injuries to people or other pets if they become aggressive. These breeds are thought to be more aggressive than other breeds of dogs.

Whether these assumptions are true or not, owners that take these dogs camping with them must be aware that their pets may not be welcome at certain campgrounds and RV Resorts. The best advice I can offer to those people is to call ahead to the facility they plan to stay at to see if their pet is allowed.

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During the years we have been RVing, we have encountered some aggressive dogs. I hate to say it, but many of them have not been in the restricted breed categories. There are some Chihuahuas that we have come
across that were aggressive. The difference is that a crazed Chihuahua is not capable of causing great bodily harm; a crazed Pit Bull, on the other hand, is physically capable of possibly killing someone.

Killer the Wonder Dog

Killer the Wonder Dog

Before I get a bunch of hate mail from outraged Chihuahua Owners, please look at the picture to the left, which is our dog named "Killer the Wonder Dog". Killer is a cross between a Merle Chihuahua and a pug. He goes camping with us wherever we go. Yes, we are living dangerously by bringing him along. :-)

Regardless of what breed of dog you plan to take camping, there is a book that I strongly suggest you read by Jack and Julee Meltzer called Camping and RVing with Dogs, the Complete Reference for Dog-Loving Campers and RVers.

Camping and RVing with Dogs, The Complete Reference for Dog-Loving Campers and RVers

In this book, RVing pet owners will learn the Eight steps you can take to make sure your dog never gets lost, Fun activities for campers and RVers with dogs, Five easy tricks for finding campgrounds and RV parks that really like dogs, How to prepare your vehicle or your RV for campground life with a dog, How to tackle a medical emergency involving your dog and much, much, more.

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I hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Do you have any suggestions or comments on this topic? You can add them to this page by clicking on the "Click Here To Post Comments" link located near the bottom of this page.

Happy RVing

RVing Al

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by: Dz

Wow - I've never seen an article with so many ignorant comments. For those that believe campers are respectful lovers of the earth, outdoors & animals, this must be a rude awakening. Comments alleging that all pit bull owners are drug dealers & murderers make me wonder why such a hateful, narrow-minded person would choose to go camping in a family park environment.

I certainly don't care to be subjected to such negativity while vacationing & absolutely wouldn't want such a hostile person around my family or my pets. When I see such open hatred, where an unsolicited opinion is believed to be important enough to warrant such a rant, I'm led to wonder just how far the person would be willing to go to prove themselves right. If they see me walking my bully, will they want to hurt me? Poison my dog? Will they assume my children & grandchildren will grow to be bull-loving, dope-dealing murderers & hurt the kids?

What were they doing when they took the time to click on the article & what compelled them to attempt to spread their hate? Do they believe their response to the article is normal?!? Because it is far from normal & paints a picture of an emotionally unstable individual with little to no regard for other people's choices or rights. Aside from veterinary & vaccination records, it may soon be prudent to request recent psychiatric evaluations - you know, to ensure your site neighbor isn't building a bomb in their RV or loading a gun to shoot up an elementary school full of potential future terrier owners. I suggest you spend the time you used to read & respond to the article to seek professional assistance & get yourself some antipsychotics before you hurt someone.

Pit Bulls
by: Anonymous

I have been around many well behaved Pit bulls but I did have a friend with a Pit Bull who was so loving to people so we thought it would be fun to have him have a play date with my Australian shepherd. Luckily my friend had the dog on a leash. I've never seen such a transformation. Without a leash that dog would have killed my dog in 2 seconds. In this case it was not the owner as he was a loving owner and trained and socialized the dog. He sustained a bite that required stitches. I love dogs but this showed how aggressive dogs can be. The worst part in this case is that aggressive pit bulls create a lot of damage quickly whereas a small dog creates little to no damage. Just saying.

Dogs in campgrounds
by: Anonymous

I understand why campgrounds have a fear of allowing certain breeds into their parks. But not all aggressive breeds are aggressive and not all gentle breeds are gentle. I have a German shepherd that is protective of us and his property. But also can distinguish between bad strangers and good strangers. Partially because that's what a good guard dog will do and also they can be trained that way. He's very smart and doesn't just jump into a situation. My daughter had a foxiepoo. That dog thought he was bigger than he was and would try to take on big dogs. They had to get him away from a pit bull and the pit bull was trying to get away from him.

People are worse than any animal
by: Anonymous

For people to select any breed as the problem are as wrong as anything could be. I rescued a 4 month old Pit. 6 months later my wife of 51 years passed away. When I came home from the hospital my Pit and Wire Fox Terrier Net me at the door. My wire Fox immediately went to the bedroom and went to bed. As I was wracked with grief, my pit crawled into my lap, laid her head on my shoulder and the only time she moved was to lick my eyes. This girl would never hurt anyone. For those who lump breeds, your ignorance is understandable. You have never been around a pit raised correctly. My Dr and my vet both signed letters stating and recommending her as an emotional Support Animal. Please people be courteous to each other.

Pitbull Lover
by: Debbie

Just wanted all the "pitbull haters" to know that there are amazing and kind and trained pitbulls who are very worthy of camping with their families. I strongly believe that dog owners need education and training for their dogs, and if they are aggressive with humans or animals, they shouldn’t be at an open park off-leash with stimulation that might cause them to react. I always say "guns don’t kill people, people kill people". All dogs need training, regardless of their breed. Please don’t be breed-specific-haters. It is the choice of the human owner to be responsible for the livelihood of their dog. Peace!

Bully restrictions
by: Jikey

I am the owner of an American Bulldog and a Rottweiler. Both of them came from homes that either couldn't keep them or didn't want them.

Given this, I am affected by these restrictions but am very happy to see there are campground owners in here giving their side of the story, legal issues, insurance, etc. Thank you for your contributions..

keeping people and pets safe
by: Anonymous

I will never camp at a place that allows pit bulls or any one of the breeds classified as a bully. they are dangerous and so are their owners. these dogs are never on a leash and if they are, the owner can not control their monster dog. to many pets, live stock and children have been killed by a nanny dog, and the nanny dogs owner has always said the kid or the other animal deserved to die.. makes me sick to know these type of monster dogs are allowed to live

no pits allowed
by: Anonymous

If I am camping with my family cat and dogs, the last thing I want to worry about is some one having a vicious deadly pit bull or what ever they call this animal. I have seen the damages this breed has done and I will never stay at a motel or camp ground that allows this breed of dog on its property I think all pits need to be done a way with for the safety of our pets and loved ones. Pit bulls are not pets, they have no place around people or animals.
If I owned a rv park, a camping ground or a house I would never allow this breed on its property

In the Land of the Blind
by: The Voice o Reason

This comment section is the accumulation of moronic people with too little going on in their lives to keep them preoccupied from stirring the drama pot.

So, why would I comment and contribute to this???

Because I have to say thank you for the laughs. I was splitting my side at most of these claims. Please never stop voicing your opinions. You are so entertaining. XD

Pitbulls deserve their reputation
by: Anonymous

They are not family dogs, the nanny dog is a myth started by a pit nut in the 70’s. Dogs do not have race, so dog racism is non existent. Just by trying to make a statement like that shows that the person is an actual racist themselves comparing humans to dogs.

6% of the dog population is made up by bully breeds. Over 50% are responsible for mauling and murders. Get a grip leave your land shark at home.

Touchy Subject
by: Anonymous

I am a campground owner and this is a difficult subject. On one hand, you want to welcome everyone and be considered pet-friendly. On the other hand, you want your campground to be a place that all customers enjoy and you also want to mitigate any legal or insurance risks.

We used to restrict certain breeds but found that very difficult to do as there are many breeds other than the usual list that could be considered dangerous. So you restrict a few breeds and those dog owners feel discriminated against.

I understand the argument that it is the owner and not the dog. However, it is impossible for a campground to know how well the owner has raised the dog. So what do we do as campground owners?

Another campground just called me recently (thus my reason for researching this on the net), asking me how we handle this situation (we are a large and popular campground). They had a camper's dog attack another camper's dog resulting in a fatality. The attacking dog was a pit bull. The victim is suing the campground who's lawyer is claiming that if they had a dog breed policy, this could have been prevented.

As you can see, this puts campground owners in a rather precarious position. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Lately, we have been very lax on our restricted breed policy, as we want our guests to know we are pet-friendly. But we've been through the legal ringer before for other issues and it's no fun - and EXPENSIVE!

I do not fault other campground owners who adhere to a strict dog breed policy. I just wish there was a way to do it to accurately target problem dogs.

Aggresive dogs
by: JIM Martin

I was at a campground two weeks ago. There was a White Husky there. He was very aggressive.

Dogs at park
by: Anonymous

Im at scheffels in ywo rivers wi. Tho as yet ive not seen a bulldog of any type, ive seen doboes,sheppards, pretty much all types. As long as thetre well behaved amd leashed i think all are welcome here, but i would call.

All dog breeds
by: Anonymous

I laugh because of the comment that "pit bulls were bred to kill". All dogs at one time or another were bred for that. They all served a purpose of hunting or protection.

I’m not arguing with people having fear of any dog breed I do own a rescued pit bull and she was actually attacked by a dachshund pug mix at a campground while on a leash at our campsite that required some stitches. My dog rolled to her back out of fear

Dog Crap
by: Full Time RV'er

We are tired of Dog Crap - Camper's blame the Owner's of the park - The Sole Blame for Dog Crap in the Park is Thoughtless Dog Owner's .

Nothing could be worse then trying to have dinner and looking out your window with a Dog Crapping - If they want a Dog - then be responsible for it - when its cold - we have seen dog owner's let their dogs out early in the morning - to let their dog go Crap in the Park - then let the dog back in - so they do not have to walk the dog in the cold nor pick up the DOG CRAP.

We went to a park once where the dog was left unattended at the table and the leash was so long it was able to go under my RV and take a CRAP in my yard - this is beyond RUDE - beyond GROSS - Another problem we hear traveling- some dog owner's take so many free dog crap bags from the free campground dispenser's - they only need a few - not half a role. Wish there were DOG FREE Parks for non dog owner's - we are not alone other RVer's wish the same.

Barking Dogs
by: Anonymous

Dog Owner's know the Rule's in a Campground and they are told usually at check in and the rules are on the map's & signs in the parks. They may love their dogs - but not everyone is a dog fan .We never ever want to be parked next to dogs . That park we went to the dog owner's left their barking dogs non stop barking after one hour we went to the office - they on the spot called the owner's of the barking dogs - but they did not want to come back , because they were at a local attraction that did not allow dogs - they did not want to wreck their vacation to come back . Are you Kidding Me ? They did not care at all who's vacation they were ruining - it's all about them. Next time we will call the Police - for disturbing the peace - endangerment to animals. The dog owner's were met on arrival to their RV by upset RV'ers who's day was ruin by their dogs. Thoughtless-

Blame the insurance company
by: Jimmy Tumblin

Yes many insurance companies have guidelines, some restrictive. If you are with an insurance company that does not target parks chances are exclusions apply. Find an agency that targets parks. I have experience with insurance companies that target parks. The suggestion most make are no aggressive dogs and enforce your own rules. If your not happy with your dog/animal restrictions shop around. Good luck.

The 73 year old Gary
by: Thomas

For one, All caps mean you are yelling. Number two if you got bit by a Shihtzu, it was probably your fault by trying to pet a dog that wasn't yours, or maybe you got to close, or even the owner never had it on a leash, regardless it was not a pit. I have known some pits to be aggressive and have had some well mannered and the best of dogs. This all depends on upbringing and nature of dog as well as protection. The worst dogs I know of are chihuahua and poodles. Those are the most ill tempered animals on the face of the earth and have been bit by several. So there fore don't get so bent out of shape and blame one dog breed, you have been around long enough to know that.

by: AnonymousGARY


Dog restrictions in campgrounds
by: Anonymous

I just recently purchased a campground and can say that insurance is the big factor of breed restrictions. We are a smaller campground and the price increase for that added protection is astronomical.

I love all types of dogs and agree it is the owner and not the breed that has the problem. If all all owners would keep their pets on a 6ft leash and control them, the insurance might back off.

More than not, owners let their dogs run free in campgrounds and think nothing of it. Campgrounds have rules for protection of guests and the campground owners.

Aggressive Dogs
by: Ginger

My poodle-mix never falls into the banned category unless he's over the weight limit or the park doesn't allow any dogs but we have occasionally had trouble with aggressive off leash dogs. I like dogs so I don't let a few bad owners spoil the fun of camping.

I have come in contact with many happy, friendly, pit bulls, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers. Their owners often train them well and are conscious that they're breed ambassadors. Little dogs, like chihuahuas and small terriers are more frequently off leash, disobedient, and rush people aggressively, nipping at ankles. A standard poodle nipped at me last weekend on the beach. She was young, excited, and in need of more training, NOT aggressive, but her owner should have had her under better control.

ANY dog of any breed and any size can bite. Even without biting, a poorly trained off leash dog can hurt a human or other dog by knocking them over, tripping them, or playing too roughly. Breed bans won't prevent dog bites that are primarily the result of irresponsible owners or simply overenthusiastic, poorly trained dogs.

RE: PIT BULL PARANOIA by: frankpsr
by: Anonymous

Most drug dealers do not have pit bulls (ignorant stereotype), pit bulls are overwhelmingly family pets. I am sorry to hear of the dog attack on your wife, the fault there sits with the "owner" of said dog. To discriminate against all "pit bulls" is ridiculous. All dogs are individuals and should be treated as so.

There are two different breeds of dogs that have gone after and bitten family members. Are we paranoid by every chihuahua and cocker spaniel we see? Absolutely not. As far as, "Then why is it when you hear or read a dog attack story, its usually a Pit Bull?" It's not. It's media throwing the name "pit bull" out there to draw in ignorant, uneducated viewers. Other dogs also attack, but their "apparent" breeds (I say apparent because pit bulls is a generic term and how many of these dogs are actual "pit bulls"? not many as it would take a dna test to prove they indeed were) aren't splattered all over the place. It's also not specified that many of these attacks are brought on by "resident dogs" rather than "family pets" and irresponsible owners. There is a huge difference.

Some good info re: pit bulls. I have many more wonderful references but this is a favorite.

by: Anonymous

I don't like the discrimination but to be fair a lot of it comes down to the insurance companies not the rv park owners. Before you say get different insurance I say it's just not that easy. We were literally only accepted by one company and we were given a list of animals and things like trampolines that are not allowed on the property. Try to look at a situation from both sides.

by: frankpsr

Many Pit Bull owners will tell you how wonderfull their pets are. Then why is it when you hear or read a dog attack story, its usually a Pit Bull? Why do so many drug dealers own Pit Bulls? why was my Pup attacked while in my wifes arms, by a Pit Bull? Why am I paranoid about Pit Bulls?

frisco woods campground
by: Anonymous

Frisco Woods Campground in the outer banks is the loveliest dog friendly place ever, and they practice no dog racism.

You have your gun, I have my dog...
by: Fred

You have your choice of protection and I have mine. You have your guns, and in the wrong hands, they maim and kill 100 times the amount of people and animals that any one breed, or all breeds combined, as guns do.

But guns are not banned from campgrounds... yes your constitutional right, well, my choice of protection is also my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That campground that bans certain breeds (or "look" rather) of dog, can practice their breed specific hatred of dog, but they are also subject to being avoided and not being given that oh so valuable word of mouth that any and every business owner knows is a must in putting food on the table for self employed people.

Jabour's trailer park (not a campground) in key west is a dog hating place where we were asked to leave for no reason by an owner who had two dogs larger and more powerful than my own two.

Fiesta key campground in the keys was a place where I was happy to cancel my reservations where the very night before we arrived, we learned there had been a shooting, a teen who stole a gun from his parents RV and shot another teen at the pool for flirting with a girl at the pool.

RVs have no security system, no bars on the windows, no gate protection most of the time: WHY does anyone think they have the right to tell me what kind of dog I can have when campgrounds are, on average, far from places where your safety is guaranteed, when in today's day and time anything and everything can and will happen? Pffft, save your cash and give it to the campground that is there for you and your family no matter what you, or they look like.

by: Anonymous

Had one campground that would not allow our cat because if it got loose it would kill the native critters in the area. I said it was kept in the RV and even that it is a good mouser and she said that is why they don't allow cats. Strange??

Check the rules in so called dog friendly campgrounds.
by: Anonymous

You also need to be aware of the rules imposed on dogs. Some RV parks claim they allow dogs but the rules about dogs are impossible to follow and make it impossible to stay.

For example we arrived at one RV park that claimed to be "pet friendly" but the rule was you could not let your dog walk anywhere but in the designated dog walk which was a 3X12 foot bit of chain link fenced dirt. This included not having your dog anywhere except the inside of your trailer at all times and carrying the dog to and from the dog walk.

When I pointed out my dog weighed 72 pounds and I simply could not carry him that far I was told I could walk him over but if he peed or pooped anywhere along the way we would be immediately evicted without a refund. (Not if we cleaned up, if we allowed him to pee or poop anywhere!)

Other rules including no barking at any time for any reason. If the owner heard the dog barking at anytime the result would also be immediate eviction without a refund. Also if we left the campground for any reason the dog had to accompany us. At no time were we to leave the dog inside our RV alone. If it were found out that we had left the dog in the RV unattended we would be immediately evicted without a refund.

Anyone who has ever had a dog knows how impossible it is to abide by those kinds of restriction. We left. Others were not so fortunate. The campground reviews included many stories of people evicted without a refund for a paid two week stay after only a few hours in the park due to dog rule violations. Be very very careful to read the all rules that apply to your dog while the dog is in the campground and find out what the consequences are if an accident happens.

Make sure your paperwork is in order.
by: Anonymous

We have been refused once because the restriction was no dogs whose backs were higher than the owner's knees. She refunded our money and sent us to another campground nearby. We have frequently been asked to hand over our vet papers for photocopying "for insurance purposes" when we camp so I would also recommend you have your dog's shots all up to date with such proof as well.

dog breed
by: Anonymous

we had found one in wisconsin that did not let us take a German Shepard. They were not going to refund our money but give us a voucher for a later date. Till I argured that I would not come if we could not bring our dog with who is a very well behaved dog and never had a problem with him before. Now we always ask before making reservations if he is welcomed.

Dogs that are band from RV campgrounds and or Resorts
by: Larry G

It's unfortunate there is a band on certian breeds. We are dog lovers and believe it's not the breed that should be band but the owners of agressive dogs NEED TO BE BAND. Every breed that was mentioned in this article I have been in contact with and have found very socialable and loving dogs. I believe this type of behavior is due to the owners concern and welfare for a good and dependable dog. Dogs have been domesticated for the good of MANKIND but as we all know some of our KIND are not concern with MAN. There lies the PROBLEM!!!

Discrimination Comes In All Forms
by: Anonymous

RV Park Dog Discrimination is no better than discrimination of people. African Americans were disallowed many priveledges due to their appearance. RV parks diallow breeds out of fear and lack of knowledge. Some little dogs, such as Westie Terriers can be very aggressive and inflict wounds... our Labrador, the most gentle dog ever, was attacked by a Westie Terrier and had wounds inflicted to her muzzle... it required five stitches to close the wounds. If all dog owners kept their dogs on six foot leashes and not the "fishing reel leashes" and kept them from other dogs, there would be far fewer dog injuries.

Personally, I am sick to death of RV parks disallowing based on breed.. if we encounter it, we will not stay at that RV park... ever!

by: Walker

What R/V parks in the US allow Doberman's?

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