Our RV Awning Broke in Half

by Barbara Porter

What can some causes be for an awning to break in the center of the retractable pole?

There was no prior known damage nor was there bad weather. We could not even find any limbs around they may have fallen to cause the snap.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Over 1,500,000 successful roadside rescues—Good Sam RV Emergency Road Service

ANSWER: Hi Barbara any of the items you mentioned above could cause the RV Awning Roller Tube to break, but the most common cause is the accumulation of rain water on the awning itself.

When using your awning you should leave one side lower than the other just enough so that rain water can easily run off of the awning and not form a pool in the awning. When a pool of water is formed in the awning; the extra weight gets to be too much and the Awning Roller Tube will fail.

You do not need a down pour for this to happen even a steady rain all day can create the pool in the awning.

You can take your RV in and have the awning repaired, but be prepared for a price shock. You can also buy a replacement Awning Roller Tube and complete the job yourself.

There is also another alternative to repair or strengthen your RV's awning tube by using a roller tube insert made by a company named MEGAX57. The video below demonstrates how their product works and again this is designed for a do-it-yourselfer to install.

Of course if you are not comfortable doing the repair yourself I am sure that you can find someone that can do it for you. As you can see the repair is actually simple and straight forward.

I hope this helps.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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