Manual Slideout is Stuck Out on 1996 Mallard Trailer

by Jackie
(Woodstock,On Canada)

Just bought this trailer and the owner says it's a manual tip out and needs 4 men to get it back in.

Is there anything that will help with this process to make it easier to bring in and out.

ANSWER: Hi Jackie, I am afraid that I am not going to be the bearer of good news here. Yes in deed it may take up to 4 people to open and close the tip out on your trailer.

Although the Mallard Trailer that you bought is classified as a Recreation Vehicle it is actually a "Park Model Trailer" also known as a "Destination Trailer". And yes a lot of these trailers look a lot like a normal Travel Trailer; they are designed to be a more permanent residence such as a residence on a piece of property you own, or a small retirement home at a permanent location.

Park Model/Destination Trailers are not designed to be set up one day and then taken down the next day to move from place to place they are meant to be more like a Mobile Home and are not designed for boondocking as they are setup to be hooked up to more permanent forms of water, sewer and electric and are normally not self-Contained.

The reason there is no easier way for the tip out to be operated is because once the tip out is in the out position it is designed stay out for several years at a time. Travel trailers that are designed for constant travel usually have powered slide outs that just require using a switch to open and close them.

I am hoping that when you bought this trailer that you were planning to move it to permanent location.

My only suggestion is to get 4 of your strongest friends to help you get the Tip Out closed and have them meet you at its new permanent location to get the Tip Out back out again.

I hope this helps.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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Find the manual disconnect
by: Anonymous

There should be a manual disconnect on your mallard. You disconnect the motors to your slide and then there should be a place where you can use a power drill to connect to the shaft of the slide screws and crank it in. If your slide fell out then you need a forklift to put it back. But if the motors burned out, then you should have a procedure in your owners manual to crank it back in by hand. Hope that helps!

by: Shawn

Bummer.......I, too, hope that they are putting it at a permanent site.

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