I Keep Blowing The Circuit Breaker On My RV When I Hook Up To Shore Power

by John Lehmeyer
(Long Lake Mn.)


I just purchased a 2006 Lexington B+ Motorhome, with 30 amp power, on our first trip when we plugged into the park power our main breaker kept blowing, so I tried the 15 amp plug that also blew my circuit, however when I shut off my main breaker then plugged into park supply and turned my main back on it worked.

When I plug into 15 amp at home no problem, I don't have 30 amp circuit at home to try. I hope you can help me, Thanks in advance

John Lehmeyer
Long Lake MN.

ANSWER: Hi John, it sounds like the circuit breaker on your Motorhome is sensitive which actually can be a good thing. I believe I have a resolution for your problem.

Whenever you are hooking up your RV to RV Park Shore Power (electric box); you will notice that each 50 Amp, 30 AMP and 15 AMP receptacle have their own circuit breaker near the receptacle. Turn off the circuit breaker on the shore power plug you are going to use before plugging your RV in.

Once the plug to the RV is securely plugged in, you can reset the breaker for that receptacle and that should eliminate the problem. If you still experience the same problem at different RV Parks then you need to take your RV in and have a Certified RV Technician check out your electrical system.

I hope this helped.

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Happy RVing

RVing Al

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Shore power safety
by: Dick Reed

You should ALWAYS make sure the breakers are off before hooking up to shore power. If you have left large load electrical appliances on such as you a/c, you could very easily burn up your plug and wind up spoiling your evening or possibly your whole trip. It can also damage the female side in the breaker box causing problems for others.

Also be wary of wasps, spiders, and other critters under the cover of the breaker box. I found a huge black widow under mine last night.

found the problem
by: Anonymous

Hi- I finally found the problem after lots of money and weeks of time. The water heater elect. side had fried and the gfi kept picking up the break in signal. It took the repair guy at Brambillas motor home place less than 5 minutes to figure out the problem,while the people at Shorewood rv said there was no problem,it must be the camp grounds at fault. Lesson here take it to people that know their business.

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