How to Extend Battery Life When Boondocking In Your RV

by Anonymous

Extend Battery Life When Boondocking in Your RV

Extend Battery Life When Boondocking in Your RV

We would like to know how long we should expect the average batteries (we have two new ones) should last when wilderness camping; only using the water pump to flush the toilet and the minimum light at night with our 5th wheel?

Our second question is, in what states is it illegal to have your LP gas on for the refrigerator when traveling down the road?

Thank you

ANSWER: Hi, how long your batteries will last while boondocking (camping in the wilderness) depends on the type of batteries that are being used as the house batteries on your 5th Wheel Trailer.

If the house batteries are standard 12-volt car batteries, they will last the least amount of time. If the batteries are 12-volt RV/Marine Deep Cycle batteries, they will last longer than the car batteries. If the batteries are 6-volt true deep cycle batteries, they will last even longer. The longest-lasting batteries for RVs are Lithium Batteries

If this all sounds confusing to you, take a moment to read the article All About RV Batteries.

So, as you see, I cannot give you an exact answer to how long your batteries will last while boondocking since I do not know what types of batteries you are using currently.

If you would like to extend the time that your batteries will last, you might want to look into installing a Solar Battery Charging System on your 5th wheel. Solar Battery Charging Systems use the sun's power to provide a trickle

charge to your house batteries. Depending on the wattage of the system you install, it can greatly extend the time the batteries can be used.

Here are some of the best places to get a good deal on a Solar Battery Charging System. eBay has a large selection of RV Solar Battery Chargers and has a good selection of RV Solar Battery Chargers.

There are also portable solar charging kits available such as those offered by Zamp Solar. In the video below shows you how easy the Zamp Solar Portable Battery Chargers are to set up and use.

Camping World
Shop Camping World Products on Sale Now!

As far as your question on driving down the road with your refrigerator being powered by propane. To the best of my knowledge there are no state laws in the US prohibiting using propane in an RV while going down the road.

Some tunnels in the US do not allow you to go through the tunnel with the propane on; they have signs letting you know to turn off your propane before entering the tunnels. Most of them provide a pull-out so you can shut off your propane. Ferry services also require you to turn off propane when your RV is being transported on them.

Hopefully, the above information has been helpful to you.

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Extend battery life
by: Anonymous

I have a comment and an additional question.

I have the same issue of battery life I replaced the internal 12?V lights with 12 v LEDs. I also replaced exhaust fans with much more efficient and nearly silent computer fans.

My additional question iinvolves my propane heater. My propane tanks last forever, but the 12v fan gobbles up 3new deepvycle batteries quickly

The Guy at my (now former) parts and sales place said yep, that'll happen. Nothing to be done, it's an rb, blah, blah, blah. This fam is much bigger than the exhaust fans, so that solution won't work. Any ideas.

What about LEDs
by: Anonymous

There are things that you can do to make your batteries last longer other that better batteries and solar chargers - switch to LED lights and if you use an inverter switch to 12V equipment where possible (e.g. TV).

Propane while driving
by: Anonymous

It is illegal in California to have the propane refrigerator operating while driving.

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