How Do I Replace The Basement Door Latch Assembly On My 5th Wheel Trailer?

by Walt Tracey

Replacing the Basement Door Latch Assembly on an RV

Replacing the Basement Door Latch Assembly on an RV

My hook that holds my basement door open under the 5th wheel broke. I purchased a replacement but cannot fasten it due to the screw holes are in the fiberglass. How do I reattach this?

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ANSWER Hi Walt Hopefully I am understanding your question right. All you have to do is remove the old screws from the old RV Baggage Door Latch/Catch and screw the new latch/catch to the side of the RV. Make sure that you put a liberal amount of clear silicone sealant on the threads of the new screws to weatherproof them.

If you are saying that the original screw holes have gotten larger and will not accept the original diameter screws. Purchase the same length screws that are one diameter larger.

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If you are saying that the screw holes on the new latch do not line up with the old screw holes then you will need to seal up the old screw holes with the clear silicone sealant and use the proper size drill bit to drill the new holes.

If you are saying that the new latches do not come with screws and need to be glued to the fiberglass then you need to seal up the holes and use an adhesive to attach the latch to the RV exterior. If you have an RV parts store near you go there and they should be able to give you an adhesive product that should work. If not go to your local hardware store and let them know that you need an adhesive for an exterior fiberglass application.

I hope one of the above solutions works for you. If any of our visitors have suggestions for you they can add them by clicking on the "Click Here To Post Comments" link located near the bottom of this page.

Happy RVing

RVing Al

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Basement Doors
by: George

Al's suggestions are very effective and were explained well. Thanks for sharing!

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