How Do I Get Around In The National Parks After Parking My RV?

by Rob

Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

How do you get around the National Parks after you park your RV and you don't have cars or bikes?

ANSWER: Hi Rob thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.

Since you are talking about National Parks you may be in luck. depending on which National Park you want to go to.

Some of the larger National Parks have regularly scheduled buses and shuttles to take you around the parks. This is done for the convenience of the National Park visitors as well as to minimize the negative impact on the park environment of too many vehicles traveling in the park system.

National Parks like Yosemite which is known for its granite peaks and majestic views, has also been known in the past for its traffic jams and even smog during the heavy tourist season.

Here is a list of some of the National Parks that have transportation systems:

* Acadia National Park
* Bryce Canyon National Park
* Colonial National Historical Park
* Denali National Park
* Glacier National Park
* Grand Canyon National Park
* Mount Rainier National Park
* Rocky Mountain National Park
* Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
* Valley Forge National Historical Park
* Yosemite National Park
* Zion National Park

Some of these National Park Transportation Systems may be seasonal. You should visit the US National Park Service Website for further information.

Happy RVing

RVing Al

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another idea
by: stouts

you might take some bikes on a bike rack so that you have them available to use or tow a car behind so that you have a car to explore the area with.

simple fix
by: Abanonymous

Just by a pull trailer disconnect and away you go

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