Fears Turned into Laughter While RVing

by Trisha Barnes
(Huntsdale, MO)

Editors Note: This story was submitted on our Funny RVing Stories Page.

We are camphosts at a campground in Missouri. Often, my husband has to play "sheriff" during the middle of the night to run off trespassers who ignore the signs posted about the place being a private campground.

One night we were awakened by the sound of a car headed up the road to the boat ramp. As he was getting ready to head up there, I reminded him to take his phone - you never know who you are going to meet in the middle of the night and I worry about him confronting an angry drunk who might take offense at being asked to leave.

I feel back asleep but was awakened to the sound of POP, POP POP, POP, POP, POP! My instincts were right - they shot him! I flew out of the camper in a split second to be greeted by a beautiful fireworks display. (my husband had texted me to tell me everything was ok and to watch the fireworks, but I never heard the beep of the text message.)

After my heart stopped racing and my breathing slowed down, I was able to smile a little and now can laugh about it.

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Fears turned into laughter
by: Rob Krawl

That's just way too funny, thanks for the laugh!

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