14 RV Kitchen Hacks for Cooking on the Road

Before and after pictures of an RV kitchen

With these 14 RV kitchen hacks, you can make delicious meals and save time and space while on the go.

Are you tired of eating the old bland meals when traveling in your RV? Cooking on the road can be challenging, especially with limited space and resources. But fear not! With these 14 RV kitchen hacks, you can make delicious meals and save time and space while on the go.

Table of Contents

  1. Stock Up on Essentials
  2. Invest in Multi-Use Tools
  3. Make Use of Your Freezer
  4. Optimize Your Counter Space
  5. Get Creative with Storage
  6. Use Silicone Baking Mats
  7. Try Foil Packet Cooking
  8. Prep Meals in Advance
  9. Use a Slow Cooker
  10. Grill Up Your Favorites
  11. Keep It Simple with One-Pot Meals
  12. Make Your Own Spice Blend
  13. Maximize Your Oven
  14. Clean Up Efficiently

Before hitting the road, plan out your meals and make a list of ingredients. You will save time and money by preventing unnecessary trips to the grocery store. It will also help you stay organized and avoid food waste.

1. Stock Up on Essentials

Keep your pantry stocked with essentials such as canned goods, pasta, rice, and spices. This will make it easier to whip up a meal at a moment's notice. Remember to stock up on non-perishable items like olive oil, vinegar, and honey.

2. Invest in Multi-Use Tools

When space is limited, investing in tools that serve multiple purposes is essential. For example, a cast-iron skillet can be used for frying, baking, and even grilling. A good quality knife is also necessary for chopping and slicing.

3. Make Use of Your Freezer

Freeze items like meat, bread, and vegetables to keep them fresh for longer. You will also save space in your refrigerator. Plus, having frozen meals on hand can be a lifesaver on busy days.

4. Optimize Your Counter Space

Maximize your counter space by using cutting boards that fit over your sink. This will give you extra room for chopping and prepping. You can also invest in a collapsible dish rack that can be stored away when not being used.

5. Get Creative with Storage

A magnetic knife holder inside and RV kitchen

Start thinking outside the box about RV kitchen storage. Use magnetic strips to store knives and utensils and hang baskets on the wall to hold fruits and vegetables. You can also use tension rods to create extra shelving

6. Use Silicone Baking Mats

Silicone Baking Mats are a game-changer in the RV kitchen. They can be used for baking, roasting, and even as a non-stick surface for grilling. Plus, they're easy to clean and take up minimal space.

7. Try Foil Packet Cooking

Foil packet cooking is a great way to make a meal without dirtying a lot of dishes. Wrap your ingredients in foil and cook over a campfire or grill. You can make everything from breakfast burritos to fajitas using this method.

8. Prep Meals in Advance

Save time by prepping your meals in advance. Chop vegetables, marinate meat, and assemble casseroles ahead of time. This will make cooking on the road much easier and less stressful.

9. Use a Slow Cooker

A slow cooker sitting on a counter in an RV kitchen

A Slow Cooker is a must-have for any RV kitchen. Add your ingredients in the morning and let them cook all day. You'll return to a delicious meal without spending hours cooking over a hot stove.

10. Grill Up Your Favorites

Nothing beats the taste of grilled food, and the RV lifestyle is no exception. Invest in a small grill that can be easily stored when not in use. You can grill burgers, hot dogs, veggies, and even pizza!

11. Keep It Simple with One-Pot Meals

Using an Instant Pot to create one-pot meals is a lifesaver when you're short on time and space. Throw all your ingredients into one pot and let it cook. You can make everything from soups to stir-fries using this method.

12. Make Your Own Spice Blend

Save space by making your own spice blends. You can mix together your favorite herbs and spices in a small jar and use them to season your meals. This will also save you money compared to buying individual spices.

13. Maximize Your Oven

Get the most out of your oven by using it for multiple tasks. You can bake, roast, and even broil in your RV oven. Make sure to use baking dishes that you can stack for maximum efficiency.

14. Clean Up Efficiently

Cleaning up after a meal can be a hassle, especially in a small RV kitchen. Make it easier by using disposable plates and utensils. You can also use paper towels instead of dish towels to save on laundry.


In conclusion, cooking in an RV doesn't have to be a chore. With these 14 RV kitchen hacks, you can make delicious meals and save time and space on the road. Remember to plan ahead, stock up on essentials, and invest in multi-use tools. Feel free to get creative with storage and try new cooking methods like foil packet cooking and one-pot meals. Happy RVing and Happy cooking!


What are some essential tools to have in an RV kitchen?

A good quality knife, a cast-iron skillet, and a slow cooker are all essential tools for an RV kitchen.

How can I save space in my RV kitchen?

You can save space by using multi-use tools, getting creative with storage, and using disposable plates and utensils.

What are some easy one-pot meals to make in an RV?

Chili, pasta dishes, and stir-fries are all easy one-pot meals to make in an RV.

How can I clean up efficiently in an RV kitchen?

Use disposable plates, utensils, and paper towels instead of dish towels to save on laundry.


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